The Let’s Get Healthy Ltd website (“the website”) and the information contained on it is subject to the following terms and conditions. Your use of the Website indicates that you have accepted them in their entirety and without change. Let’s Get Healthy reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions. Notification of any such amendments will be posted on the Web Site.

  1. All material included on the Website is intended for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be legal or professional advice. Users should take appropriate action to verify the information provided and should not act or refrain from acting on the information contained on the Web Site without first verifying the information and obtaining their own legal, medical or professional advice. Information may be changed or updated without notice.
  2. Let’s Get Healthy provides general information on various health related topics but does not contain all the information relating to every issue featured. The information provided on this website is not designed or expected to be a substitute for professional care by a qualified doctor or other health professional. If you have any symptoms of any kind you should contact a doctor. The information provided on this website is not designed for use by health professionals. LGH does not endorse and accepts no responsibility for the use of the services of any person or products featured on this website although the lack of endorsement should not be construed negatively.
  3. Let’s Get Healthy Ltd makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the information and related graphics published on the Website. The information contained on the Website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. All liability of Let’s Get Healthy Ltd howsoever arising for any such inaccuracies or errors is expressly excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Neither Let’s Get Healthy Ltd nor any of its members, officers, directors, employees, consultants or other representatives will be liable for loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the use of the Website. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property (whether or not advised of the possibility of loss) and claims of third parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of the exclusions and limitations in the clause are intended to limit your rights as a consumer under local law or other statutory rights which may not be excluded nor in any way to exclude or limit Let’s Get Healthy’s liability to you for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or that of our employees or agents.
  4. Let’s Get Healthy Ltd does not accept any liability in connection with any third party sites that can be accessed through the Website and does not endorse, approve or take responsibility for the contents of any such site.
  5. In relation to any dispute arising out of use of the Website the user and Let’s Get Healthy Ltd agree to submit exclusively to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
  6. The data captured from health checks, lifestyle questionnaire and attendance to activities/seminars is private and confidential to that individual and can only be accessed and shared with Let’s Get Healthy employees. No individual data is ever shared with anybody outside Let’s Get Healthy.

Data is analysed at group level and may be shared with employers and other organisations to aide development of programmes.